Near Spetisbury, Dorset, UK
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Introducing South Farm Solar Park

South Farm Solar Park is an operational Voltalia project located approximately 1km south-west of Spetisbury in Dorset.

The project began generating clean energy in December 2022 following planning consent from Dorset Council in November 2019 (application reference. 2/2019/0850/PAEIA).

Documents submitted for the planning application can be viewed on the Dorset Council online Planning Register


40MW Installed Capacity

Up to 35-year lifetime

Generating energy for the City of London

Community benefits

As a renewable energy developer and provider, we want each of our projects to not only help improve the global environment by reducing carbon emissions but also help to improve the local environment.

We are committed to providing environmental, social and economic benefits to the communities where our projects are based and encourage communities to engage with us on their needs and aspirations.

Working with Local Suppliers

Enhancing habitat for species

Educational visits to local schools and the project

Working with the local community

If you’re a community group or voluntary organisation local to Eastgate Solar Farm, you can apply now for funding as part of our Community Benefit Fund.

We encourage applications from projects which:

  • Improve the local environment in a sustainable way
  • Promote green spaces for recreation improving health and wellbeing
  • Promote education and employment opportunities in the environment sector.

How to apply


Visit our fund page on BizGive


Complete application form and submit


A panel will review your application and decide whether to grant funding


Receive funding and make a difference to your local community

Project updates

We will be posting further updates here as the project progresses. If you’d like to receive regular updates, please contact us via the form below.

Planning submission

The planning application for South Farm Solar Park was submitted to Dorset Council.

Planning permission

We received planning permission for South Farm Solar Park.

Power Purchase Agreement signed with The City of London Corporation

South Farm Solar Park is providing enough clean energy for over half of the City Corporation's electricity needs for 15 years. This includes powering iconic London landmarks such as Tower Bridge, Hampstead Heath, the Barbican Arts Centre and its historic Guildhall headquarters.

Construction begins

Construction has begun at South Farm Solar Park, with it expected to be completed by Winter 2022.

South Farm Solar Park begins generating power

Contact us

If you would like to make a complaint regarding the project, please visit this webpage.

By completing and submitting your information on this website you agree to the terms set out in the privacy policy.

About Voltalia

Voltalia is an international energy and service provider in the renewable energy market operating across three continents and in over 20 countries. Since Voltalia was founded in 2005, it has grown to be a world leading Independent Power Producer (IPP) developing, constructing and operating wind, solar, hydro, biomass and storage projects.

Find out more at

2.6GW of projects in operation or under construction

14.2GW of projects in the pipeline

Over 1500 employees worldwide

As a mission-driven company*, Voltalia is fully committed to its purpose to improve the global environment whilst fostering local development. All of our sites will contribute towards addressing national and local electricity needs by generating an affordable and renewable source of clean energy.

South Farm Solar Park forms part of our wider commitment of securing at least 100MW of subsidy free renewable energy for Dorset and the south-west. We are also developing other renewable energy schemes within Dorset, at Clifton and Higher Stockbridge.

* Voltalia became a Mission-driven Company in May 2021. The company has registered in its by-laws a purpose and environmental and social objectives. Find out more on the Voltalia website.